
Why Give?
Evangelism | November 22, 2023
Why Give?

Why give to MomCo? By Jeannie Blackmer When Kate, an unbeliever and single mother of one young son, was invited to a MomCo meeting, her first thought was, Me? In a room full of Christian moms? That’s the last place I want to be. A judge fest, no thanks. Yet, the invitation tugged on her heart. She was curious and…

Grow Your Church With The MomCo
Evangelism | November 22, 2023
Grow Your Church With The MomCo

Grow Your Church With The MomCo An Innovative Approach to Church Growth and Evangelism GROW YOUR CHURCH WITH MOMCO As the Christian community continues to evolve, pastors and church leaders face new challenges to reach and engage with a new audience. For pastors and church leaders, the inability to reach young families is a significant pain point. With many parents…

Why MomCo Works
Evangelism | November 22, 2023
Why MomCo Works

WHY MOMCO WORKS MomCo communicates to moms the importance of meeting their own needs. Motherhood introduces new and unique needs. The moment a mom brings a baby into the world, she’s overwhelmed with new needs – her own new physical and emotional needs, and the more urgent ones of the precious life she’s just ushered into the world. These demands,…