By Jeannie Blackmer

When Kate, an unbeliever and single mother of one young son, was invited to a MomCo meeting, her first thought was, Me? In a room full of Christian moms? That’s the last place I want to be. A judge fest, no thanks. Yet, the invitation tugged on her heart. She was curious and lonely. She ended up going to her first meeting and her life was transformed. She realized how wrong she was about the women. Kate said,

“I was surrounded by a room of stumbling mamas just like me. The difference between me and them was their humility, perspective and their encouragement to one another. Turned out, I was the judgmental one.”

Now a couple years later, a baptism, and a greatly improved life after accepting Christ, Kate is leading a MomCo group together with the acquaintance that invited her. This is The MomCo at work.

Through mom gatherings, we introduce women to a personal relationship with Christ alongside others, and within a vibrant church community.

As MomCo brings women like Kate into healthy community, it changes lives while being one of the most powerful church growth programs available. Moms bring their families to the host church of their MomCo groups, and the cycle continues as the church grows.

In today’s fast-paced, sometimes divisive and often isolating world of social media, mothers and their young families are facing serious challenges and are desperate for help. The rate of suicide among moms is skyrocketing, families are in financial crisis and kids are navigating unprecedented levels of anxiety largely related to technology use. People need friends, a church family, and invitations to a church community more now than ever before.

At The MomCo, we know that what moms and families need more than anything is the good news of Jesus and an authentic community.

For 50 years, God has used our ministry to share Jesus with moms, kids and families around the world, and we are poised to continue doing this for decades to come. Mandy Arioto, President of The MomCo said,

“While the needs of moms in early motherhood haven’t changed, they have grown more complex in our digital, isolated age. Moms are experiencing tectonic shifts in the state of family, faith and relational connection.”

Families all around us are in crisis.

Did you know there are 700 million children, ages 5 and under, around the globe and their mothers are experiencing severe distress in their emotional, relational and spiritual health? Startling statistics are being reported from studies examining the overall health of moms:

  • 78% of moms report debilitating symptoms of anxiety or depression. (Source: Marketing2moms Survey, 2022)
  • 79% of moms worry they drink too much.(Source: Association of Mental Health, 2021)
  • 3 in 4 moms feel desperately lonely and reported having one or no close friends. (Source: Association of Mental Health, 2021)
  • 4 in 10 young parents feel that church is not important or relevant to their lives. (Source: Billy Graham Center for Evangelism Study, 2020)
  • Only 12% of moms say they read their Bible on a weekly basis. (Source: Barna Study on the State of Families, 2021)


We are committed to finding every opportunity to bring important faith conversations to moms around the globe and we see the relief that comes when moms learn we have practical tools and resources to help them with their emotional, relational and spiritual needs. We point moms to churches, and we watch church attendance improve as we simultaneously see significant impact with lasting change.

Last year the MomCo had 74,000 groups meet in 72 countries, in 20,000 languages. And 1,368,222 moms were reached through our digital programming.


Some other highlights from our past year:

  • 94% of moms in MomCo annual survey said they had the opportunity to meet Jesus or grow in their faith through their MomCo experience.
  • 91% of MomCo moms say they have received encouragement and been equipped as a mother.
  • New global curriculum was published to serve moms in closed countries.
  • 241 MomCo volunteers donated 43,380 hours (about 5 years) of serving moms.

*To know more about our impact, view our recent Annual Report (link to AR?)


The MomCo reach is extensive and expanding.

We are an international organization that started small in the US 50 years ago and now we claim groups around the world. In fact, Africa is the fastest growing region with a 20% growth in moms attending year over year. We also exist in several closed countries that we cannot disclose to keep moms who follow Jesus safe from persecution.

We hear daily from women whose lives are finding health and healing as they become involved in The MomCo. One of these such women is Sara.

On the day Sara’s MomCo meeting was hosting a speaker who told her story about her addiction to alcohol and finding sobriety, Sara didn’t make it because she was too hungover. She felt shame and disappointment and was so upset to miss the gathering. She knew she needed to hear this story. So, she bravely reached out to the speaker who then sent her a video recording of her testimony she had shared. After watching the video, Sara called the woman, told her about her own struggle with alcohol and thanked her for vulnerably sharing her story. Since that day, Sara hasn’t had a drink. She said, “Knowing a woman, just like me, also struggled and ultimately decided to stop drinking, helped me finally make the same decision.”

And MomCo leaders around the world are finding ways to help moms through serving those in dire circumstances.

Monica Rovira, the MomCo Global Regional Manager for Latin America, lives in Guatemala where pregnancies due to sexual abuse in girls 10-19 years old are widespread. She received a request from the director of a shelter for pregnant girls between the ages of 11 and 18, asking for help in preparing these young girls for motherhood. Monica, mother of an 11-year-old herself, moved quickly and contacted a MomCo group in Guatemala City who adopted the shelter. The first time Monica and the group visited the shelter, she saw an 11-year-old girl with a pregnant belly sitting on the floor playing with stickers. “These girls, same age as my daughter, just want to play, but they were about to be moms,” Monica said. Monica and the local group taught these young women, in between play times, simplified concepts of mothering such as how to love well, the power of words, and other motherhood skills. Most importantly, they introduced to the girls to the one who can truly change their lives and empower them in their challenges, Jesus. They gave them friends, community, Bible studies, and helped them grow a supportive community where they felt welcome. We hear countless stories of spiritual transformation such as this:

“I was suffering from postpartum depression and suicidal thoughts. Finding my MomCo group and attending MOMCON last year saved my life and brought me back to faith. I plan on being baptized at MOMCON this year.” – Sydney

Relationships are being strengthened due to women’s involvement in The MomCo.

We offer curriculum on creating healthy interpersonal relationships. To enhance this, we have volunteer mentor moms who willingly share their own stories to younger moms on any and every topic such as sex and marriage, practical parenting skills, talking with teens about tough topics, navigating relationships with adult children and more. Our mentor moms are devoted and passionate about their role in our ministry.

“As a mentor mom, I took a meal to a mama with a newborn. I discovered her mom passed away with breast cancer a few years earlier. She missed having a mom to call for advice or to share happy moments with. On my way home, I felt impressed to call her and ask if I could be her ‘adopted mom.’ In tears, she said yes. She is now my adopted daughter as of 5 years ago. She is precious to me. God works in mysterious ways.” – Judy

In a world where a mom may feel unseen and unheard, we give her a voice and a place to be known.

In fact, we recently invested in a study with the Barna Group on The State of Motherhood and Impact on Church and Culture. This ground-breaking, post-pandemic study revealed how moms are underserved in the church, yet are incredible influencers, evangelists and disciple makers. We believe the time is ripe for The MomCo to partner with churches and pour into the lives of moms and families.

One church leader recently sent us this message:

“MomCo is on the forefront of evangelism to parents and kids. For a small church, MomCo has given us a BIG way to reach the young families in our community. The moms who come to MomCo have a passion for raising their kids with healthy, real faith. MomCo has become the biggest ministry of the church, it raises leaders in the church, and even allowed us to invest in the capital improvements of 6 educational rooms and a new modern playground for all the new families coming through our doors. It is a multi-generational ministry.” – Mile High Vineyard

The MomCo is uniquely able to meet the needs of moms and families through dynamic multimedia programming that reaches diverse populations, offers multigenerational mentoring, uses proprietary curriculum, (instantly translated into over 20 languages), and provides guidance for leading groups. We also host MOMCON, an annual gathering of moms from around the world for encouragement, fellowship, and relevant leadership training.

Simply put, we get people to church, and grow the body of Christ by giving moms a place where their entire family feels seen and needed.

For the MomCo to continue setting the stage for life transformation for moms and their families in the name of Jesus we need partners like you who care deeply about women and children and know the impact a mom makes in her home, community and the Kingdom of God. We’d like you to join us by using your time, talents or finances to encourage and equip moms around the globe.

With God’s help, and partners who give generously to The MomCo, we will continue to embolden moms in their faith and provide much-needed community. We believe our efforts equip moms to live out their faith in bold and tangible ways, serving as inspirations of love, compassion and grace. By supporting a ministry that focuses on moms, you too will contribute to the transformation of communities and the spread of the good news of Jesus.

Giving to The MomCo will help further our mission and grow the church at large. Would you consider helping us as we create impactful spaces, online and in-person, where moms find inspiration, grow in their Christian faith, gain practical skills, and connect with a supportive community? The impact of your giving extends beyond individual lives to shaping families, improving emotional, relational and spiritual health, influencing society for good and expanding the Kingdom of God.

Together, let’s encourage and equip every mom and elevate the invaluable role they play in our world. Because better moms make a better world.

Will you join us?


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